Lincage Imaging Systems has relocated!
Lincage Imaging Systems recently completed a relocation to a new, state-of-the-art facility in Phoenixville, PA. The new space is a significant upgrade and creates opportunities for an enhanced employee experience, improved client collaboration and access to...
Esko GreenCircle Certification for XPS Crystal Exposure System
Lincage Imaging Systems congratulates Esko Graphics on achieving GreenCircle certification for the XPS exposure system! We are pleased to utilize this advanced technology, due to its many quality benefits and also because it supports our sustainability objectives....
Lincage Imaging Systems joins the discussion on LED plate exposure
Mark Samworth of Esko published an article in the July issue of FLEXO magazine that details the many benefits of LED plate exposure and Lincage Imaging Systems is at the forefront of this technology! Take a few minutes to read about how XPS exposure is...
Lincage First in USA to Achieve Esko XPS Crystal Certification
Lincage Imaging Systems is the first company in the US to become XPS Crystal Certified. Being an Esko XPS Crystal Certified Partner means we offer best in class plate quality, the highest plate making consistency available, and predictable and accurate results. In...
What pre-press, plate or printing challenge can we help you overcome? At Lincage, you'll find a production partner who seeks to earn your confidence with every job. Contact us below. We'll get right back to you.
Office & Plant Address
500 Prosperity Drive, Phoenixville, PA 19460